Kate Dudding, Storyteller Photo of Kate Dudding, Storyteller

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Thank you for visiting my storytelling site. I hope that you will find videos and my written stories entertaining, heartwarming and memorable.

People sometimes ask me why I am a storyteller. One of the reasons is that I love the dance between story, teller and listener. When I am telling a story, I get to watch my audience's faces reacting, and I get to hear their sighs and their laughter and their silences. The power of story connects us eye to eye, mind to mind, heart to heart. 1

As an award-winning author and storyteller (I won the Story Slam at the 2010 National Storytelling Conference in Los Angeles,) I specialize in telling true stories about people who made a difference. Since 1995, I've told stories at many venues in the Northeastern USA. Many of my five CDs have won a national storytelling award.

If you would like to receive my periodic e-newsletter, Voices From the Past, please click here.

I hope you find what you're looking for. If not, please be sure to contact me:

Kate Dudding
8 Sandalwood Drive, Clifton Park, NY 12065-2700 USA

kate@katedudding.com       (518) 383-4620

A silly joke: What do you get when you cross poison ivy with a four-leaf clover?



A rash of good luck.

Click here for the story Her Mother's Love and directions to make this knitted ornament

photo of Kate Dudding telling at Wiawaka July 2021
Kate telling at Wiawaka July 2021.

photo of Kate Dudding telling an impromptu story at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston

Kate sharing an impromptu story,
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
Photo courtesy of Ellouise Schoettler

Photo of Kate Dudding telling at Academy for Lifelong Learning 1-4-17
Academy for Lifelong Learning 1-4-17
Photo courtesy of Bernie Fabry

1 I first heard storyteller Liz Weir say the expression "eye to eye, mind to mind, heart to heart" on Season Two, Episode 10 of Conversations with Storytellers, a podcast by Simon Brooks. Liz was quoting her uncle.