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Lighting the Way Home:
Stories of Lighthouses and Their Keepers
photo of cover of Kate Dudding's CD Lighting the Way Home

An Award-winning CD
What People are Saying About this CD
Listen to Samples From this CD
How to Purchase this CD

Lighthouses have been in existence for thousands of years, some of them marking harbors, others marking hazards. Many people have recognized the importance of lighthouses.

In fact, the nineth act of Congress that President George Washington signed into law enabled the Federal Government to take responsibility for building and operating the nation's lighthouses.

In the five stories on this CD, Kate Dudding brings to life some lighthouses and the people who worked in them.

  1. Finding Our Way Home: the story of Augustin Fresnel and his lenses which revolutionized lighthouses in the early 1800s.

  2. The Lighthouse Speaks: the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse tells its own story.

  3. Elizabeth Whitney Williams: the story of one of America’s women lighthouse keepers, who was from the state with the most lighthouses.

  4. The Lighthouses on Minot’s Ledge: the stories of the two lighthouses marking an underwater stone mountain in the southern shipping lane leading to Boston Harbor.

  5. The Statue: the story of the construction of the world’s tallest statue, which was a lighthouse for the first 10 years of its life.

Suitable for adults as well as children 12 and older.

Click here for some lighthouse resources.

An Award-winning CD

This CD is a Parents' Choice Approved Award Winner of 2007, one of six storytelling CDs to get an award this year. Click hear to read the Parents' Choice review.

What People are Saying About this CD

"What a wonderful job you have done. There is a great mix of material on the CD. I really like the first person account from the lighthouse's point of view. An unexpected treat. I was also delighted that you were able to include a ghost story in the line up. Ending that tale with the warning in Portuguese was eerie and very effective.

In short, you have done a great job. The tales are well chosen, well crafted and well told. Hats off! A job well done!"
-- Elizabeth Ellis, nationally renowned storyteller

"I think that researching and creating stories on a theme is one of our noblest possibilities, and approaching science and math themes is truly needed! Congratulations on a fine vision brought to fruition!"
-- Mary Grace Ketner, Storyteller

"I have had the pleasure of listening to Kate's CD and it is a winner. Unexpected stories you remember!"
-- Ellouise Schoettler, storyteller

"I have enjoyed your CD a lot. The stories are fantastic."
-- Kathleen Gill, The Story Walker ®

Listen to Samples of Some Stories

Listen to a sample of "Finding Our Way Home" (739 KBytes)
  (requires RealPlayer -- see www.real.com)

Listen to a sample of "The Lighthouse Speaks" (627 KBytes)

Special thanks for their support to: Jerry Dudding, Elizabeth Ellis, Gert Johnson, Jeannine Laverty, Story Circle of the Capital District (NY), and the staff at the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library.

Dedicated to my parents Kenneth and Lucile Eike, who, although they never heard me tell from a stage, brought me up with enough confidence to launch myself into the world of storytelling.

Original Stories and Performance by Kate Dudding
Producer and Engineer: Barry Marshall
Cover Design: Kate Dudding
Recorded Live at: Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library, Clifton Park, NY and Woodlawn Commons, Saratoga Springs, NY

Kate Dudding (518) 383-4620
8 Sandalwood Drive kate@katedudding.com
Clifton Park, NY 12065-2700 USA
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