Kate Dudding: The Bloody Bat

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Late, late one night, a bloody vampire bat slowly flew back into his cave. He was the last one in that night. Wearily, he hung himself up for a good day's sleep.

But that wonderful smell of fresh blood filled the cave, just like the smell of popcorn fills your home, and it woke up all the other vampire bats. They sniffed and sniffed and tracked down the source of the smell.

"The blood. The BLOOD! Tell us where you found the blood!"

"No, no," moaned the Bloody Bat. "Just leave me alone. I ache all over. All I want to do is try to get some sleep."

"No, NO!", the others cried. "You MUST show us where you found the blood. We won't leave you alone until you do!"

"Oh, all right, " whined the Bloody Bat. Slowly the Bloody Bat flew out of the cave, followed by a vast swarm of vampire bats. They flew up and over the hill. On the way down the hill, the Bloody Bat called out,

"Do you see that tree down there, by the river?"

"Yes, YES, we see the tree!"

The Bloody Bat sighed. "Well, I didn't."

I found this in my email box one morning and decided to share it.


Kate Dudding (518) 383-4620
8 Sandalwood Drive kate@katedudding.com
Clifton Park, NY 12065-2700 USA
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